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No thanks on the green stuff

Greetings from the young and the restless. Its been almost a week since I been home from being Carmen San Diego, and I've been tryna hold true to my promises to myself about working on a better, healthier me. So yesterday, I went to the green grocer and bought up some thangs. I heard that at 25 is when your metabolism really starts to slow down, so if you wanna look good, there's no more depending on a speedy metabolism. So I decided to start juicing and drinking detox waters, to, you know, cleanse my system. I decided I would make a different juice each week. This was the juice for this week:

Sounds like it has potential to taste pretty good right? Not to mention the benefits are great! So, my sister and I concocted it, with some help from my mom! This was the finished product...

I really wish I was about to rant and rave about how great it was and how it started working its magic and so on and so forth. IT WAS SO GROSS! I tried SO hard to like it >_< But I couldn't. my sister agrees. I dumped it down the sink and decided to stick to my detox waters and Naked Juices :)


In other news, I have been apartment hunting for months now. I've been so ready to spread my wings, start my own life, and glo up on my own. It's a weird transition because I went to Howard for 4 years and lived on my own. So to graduate at 21 and come back home to live with my parents...I love you guys and all but, it's def about that time.

NYC housing is crappy. It makes absolutely no sense how they calculate the rent. Why is you 4x4 1 bedroom apartment with a tiny kitchen and imaginary living room $1,600 a month?! With no utilities?! I can go to North Carolina with bae, get a 1 bedroom apartment for $750 a month, with actual SPACE FOR A HUMAN!

I've been looking at affordable housing, because it sounds like exactly what I need: Housing that is affordable.. So they tell you the income range you must be in, and the cost to live there. When I tell you it makes NO SENSE?! These are some examples:

Okay, so just to state the obvious, most of these "Affordable Housing" complexes are placed in urban, poverty-stricken neighborhoods. What race of people usually live in these neighborhoods? You guessed it, Blacks and Latinos. Now, maybe I'm just some crazed conspiracy theorist, but do you really think this type of stuff isn't planned? Isn't pre-conceived? Who do you know, on a $28,000 salary, can afford to pay $800 a month for rent, comfortably? Who? And why are you limiting the salary range to ONLY this? So these "affordable units" are glorified to be trying to give more people a place to live when in reality, it's not. It's keeping us restricted to a paycheck to paycheck lifestyle. Thinking about it is making me angry. Ugh.

I think I'm passed the roommate stage. If i'm not living with a boyfriend/fiancé/partner, then I would rather live by myself. You gotta know who you are and I know that I would like to be able to feel free in my home. A roommate would def be cool, especially if it's a friend. We could have wine nights to watch Scandal, there's always someone to talk to, yeah thats awesome. But I like privacy. I like to walk around with my panties on and not worry about if my roomie's friends are over. I like to know my bathroom is not gonna have weave and eyelashes all over the sink. Things like that mean a lot to me. Hence, the studio/1 bedroom apartment hunt continues...


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